Sunday, 27 September 2015

Reading Review #2

Wow! There is so much information on iPads in the classroom. I'm reminded of what Will  Richardson said about abundance. It really takes time to sift through the information to find the gems and even then decide which to examine more closely.  I have decided to pick one journal article, one video and one website to describe in this blog.

Journal article -  Using the iPad as a tool to support literacy instruction
                                Amy Hutchison & Beth Beschorner

Amy Hutchison & Beth Beschorner (2015) Using the iPad as a tool to support literacy instruction, Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 24:4, 407-422, DOI: 10.1080/1475939X.2014.918561

    This study, conducted by Hutchinson and Beschorner, is about a fourth grade teacher who implemented the use of iPads to enhance literacy in her classroom. The authors wanted to learn if technology, iPads, could be integrated into the teachers present literacy instruction to support the 21st literacies.  Their data found "four themes that characterise the ways in which classroom instruction was supported by integrating iPads: (1) choosing new ways to communicate a message; (2) detailed work and revision; (3) spontaneous collaboration and (4) student interest and attention to the tasks."  What I found useful about this study, besides the findings of the data analysis, were the practical examples of how the iPads apps were used. Specific examples of the students work are included along with the reading component the work addressed and the app used to create the work.  I think even I could use these instructional strategies. If I could could he the strategies then I could help my staff to begin implementing the iPads in their literacy instruction.

YouTube video -
So much to look at. How do I choose? I decided on a video from Dave Shortreed, since he is from

This short video was from a presentation Mr. Shortreed gave to other educators on a pd day.
The video provides short summary of how to begin using a set of iPads with an elementary school.  Simple, yet specific, ideas for the management of the iPads and a criteria for selecting of apps are provided. Shortreed shares his tech plan, which is based on the B.C. Education plan. What I really took away from this video were the connections. I have subscribed to Shortreed's YouTube channel for teachers and found his school website. I am also going to follow him on Twitter.

Website - Kathy Schrock's IPADS4TEACHING

I did mention this website in my first blog, but would like to expand upon the short description I provided in reading review #1. This website has links to numerous websites, blogs, wikis and you tube videos. The site has organized the links into categories to help the user find what they need. lol of the categories will be useful  to me, but I will start with just a two, classroom uses for iPads and deployment support.  Under deployment support The links to preparing for an iPad deployment and Friendly Guide to deploying iPads at school at first glance look like they will provide some food for thought. Classroom uses for iPad links that look interesting are classroom ideas for learning with the iPad which links to the free app scribd and text to speech on the iPad. There are so many links here I could spend hours reading.


MDM mobile device management
New literacies
Digital technology

Well that's all for now. Time to make dinner.

Saturday, 19 September 2015

Reading Review #1

Hi everyone

  Since this is my first blog and I'm not techy, I have no idea what I'm doing. Sorry if my blog is kind of boring looking.  My school has purchased twenty iPads and I am sort of in charge of setting them up to be used by the students. It is very important to me that the devices are used to enhance learning and not just become a fun gadget with which to play. I have had an iPad for three years and use it for everything, reading, Netflix, banking, the list could go on, but I'm not really sure how to best use iPads in the classroom or library.

      Luckily, I have found an great website to explore.  Kathy Schrock's, Ipads4teaching,  This sight looks amazing.  She has tons of links to everything I can think of. Some of the links that I want to explore are: K to 12 list of apps, iPad lit circles, exploring the use of iPads for literacy learning, to name just a few.  One topic I have been having difficulty finding information on is how best to manage the use of the iPad with multiple users. I know iPads aren't really set up to work this way, but unfortunately we only have one set. If anyone knows of a website I could look at or a school that has a good plan for this please let me know.

That's it for now