Sunday, 29 November 2015

draft final vision project

Judy's Library Blog: Final Vision: Posting Three

Final Vision: Posting Three

I decided to use the technology available at my school to record my final vision project. Currently, we have five SMART Boards and a class set of iPads available to our 300 plus elementary school.  The teachers with the SMART Boards in their rooms have SMART Notebook skills that range from complete novice to advanced novice.  This group includes myself. The iPads skills of the entire staff are about the same. I wanted to become better educated with this technology, so I can support the staff.

Problems I have run into so far:

1.  Sharing the presentation with the members of LIBE 477 - I first thought I would have to send the project through email. I have since discovered that the blog I am using will allow me to add a link. If I upload the project to Google Drive this allows me to have a link to upload. I haven't tried it yet, so I hope it works.

2.  iPads lack of Flash - 

     a) The iPad does not have flash technology so I decided to use a variety of activities. Some will work on the iPad and some will not.

     b) Adding sound effects - on the SMART Notebook software I was able to make any of the sound effect objects transparent, but when I opened the project with the SMART Notebook express on the iPads some of the objects were no longer transparent. This limited my choice of sound effects. I could use only objects that would appear transparent on the iPad software version.

     c) Object animation - Again because of the lack of flash, I was unable to lock the object animation fade out. This will allow the object to be moved manually on the iPad to reveal the text below while still allowing the object to fade out by touch on the SMART Board.


3. Switching between the school's computer and the iPad - Currently I don't own a computer. I can pry my son's laptop out of his hands when he has to go to work, but it doesn't have the SMART Notebook software, so most of my work on this project had to be done on the school's computer. Because the school's computer doesn't have a microphone, I had to record the audio on the iPad. At first, I was worried it wouldn't transfer when I opened the project on the computer. Thankfully it did, but not all the time, so there was a lot of back and forth which was frustrating and time consuming.

What I have learned about the SMART Notebook is how to embed a browser, add audio, make objects transparent, and download sound effects from SMART Exchange.

Future Learning

Currently, my school computer is using SMART Notebook 11. I will have to ask the overworked, under-appreciated IT department to upgrade to notebook 14.2, so I can try out the Maestro add on. This will allow me to wirelessly connect my iPad SMART Notebook Express app to the SMART Board. I will then be able to control what's going happening on the SMART Board from my iPad.

google drive does work checkout a draft of my project on next post

Sunday, 22 November 2015

Audience and Platform for Final Vision

     My vision project will be for my colleagues.  We have a great PAC that have bought smart boards, iPads and document cameras, but our staff either doesn't use them or doesn't use the tech to it full potential.   This is why I have chosen the staff as my audience. My colleagues all have different opinions about the use of technology in school. Some are very resistant


while others have a willingness to learn if provided with proper support. They also have a variety of technology skill levels. Unfortunately, some of my colleagues tech skills are almost nonexistent. Others have bits and pieces like myself. My colleagues and I really need to focus some of our Pro D time on becoming familiar with the schools technology in order to integrate its use into our pedagogy.

     Hopefully, if the resistant teachers can be persuaded that the integration of technology is no longer an option and all the teachers can be comfortable using the technology we will be better able support our students use of technology to enable their learning. Our students learning is the ultimate goal.

     Please don't misunderstand the bluntness of my description of my colleagues. They are very hardworking, dedicated professionals. I am lucky to work with them and have great respect for each one of them.

     The platform for my project will be a smart notebook lesson. I am eager to become more familiar with the technology in my school so I may be encouraging and supportive of the staffs use of our  technology. I have had the smart notebook and smart board in the library for a few years, but this project has helped me to discover things I didn't know. I didn't realize that I could add audio to objects. How did I miss this? I also learned that I could embed a browser directly onto a slide, so you don't need to leave the application to view a web page or YouTube video. I will still provide links below the browser because it doesn't seem to work all the time. Another reason for the smart board lesson is that it will allow the presentation to be a little more interactive. Teachers can check their understanding of the content by participating in the activities the notebook can provide.


     Hopefully, I will get the lesson on the schools iPads as well since this is the device my vision project is promoting. I know my colleagues need practical experience in addition to theory.  I hope the notebook lesson provides information my colleagues can use while they transform their pedagogy for use with the new curriculum, while at the same time provide them with some  entertainment at the end of a long day.

    A ray of hope! My staff just attended a pro d event on the new curriculum. We were asked to bring a laptop, or an iPad . Many of the teachers don't have either, so I brought some of the schools new iPads. One of the teachers really liked the iPad and the next morning wanted to take them into her room to introduce Toontastic app. Luckily, I was not teaching that day and was able to go in and help. Really, all I did was observe. The teacher wasn't familiar with the app but it didn't seem to matter. She had the kids work in pairs to discover the app. It was fabulous. All the kids were engaged, working together and teaching each other. She will be using the iPads again and will begin to set some criteria for the students work. The teacher approached this lesson from the top of Bloom's and it worked great. This isn't the way I would have normally taught the first lesson, but I'm glad she did because I can now see that we don't always need to begin with Remembering. Both the teacher and I are so excited for the future.

Works Cited

Riddle-Mills, Amber. "Smart boards and Education." YouTube. 3 Dec. 2008. Web. 17 Nov. 2015.

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Final Vision Beginnings

    My final vision project is for both the library and the classroom. I am planning on creating a smart notebook presentation for  Using Technology to Support 21st Century Literacy in the Elementary Classroom.  More specifically, my project will focus on how iPads will be implemented into my school and integrating this technology into Hatzic teacher's pedagogy. I feel this final vision will have other benefits for my school besides just implementing the iPads. It will encourage the integration of technology into the new curriculum in general. The project will also allow me to practice my role as a curriculum leader as it will highlight collaboration between myself and the staff and between teachers. This project will serve as professional development not only for me, but for my staff. I am eager to become a better leader.

Possible Project outline

1. Why we must integrate technology into our pedagogy.

Resources for support -

a) Will Richardson's Why Schools

b) NCTE Definition of 21st Century Literacies and the

c) K to 12 Draft Framework for Applied Design, Skills and Technologies.

Possible quotes and images

“Students in kindergarten to grade 5 will have opportunities to develop foundations in applied design, skills and technologies within the context of existing curriculum.”

2. Emphasis on student use of technology not just teachers

Resources for support –

a) Harold, Benjamin. Why Ed Tech Is Not Transforming How Teachers Teach
"Student-centered, technology-driven instruction remains elusive for most,"  Benjamin Harold.
"In general, teachers at many schools seemed to view technology as a more valuable tool for themselves than for their students," Ms. Shapley wrote.

b) Unesco's ICT Competency Framework for Teachers. “UNESCO's Framework emphasizes that it is not enough for teachers to have ICT skills and be able to teach them to their students. Teachers need to be able to help the students become collaborative, problem-solving, creative learners through using ICT so they will be effective citizens and members of the workforce.”

3. Present NCTE's definition of 21st Century Literacies and the connection of these literacies to Bloom's Taxonomy, specifically the higher order thinking taxonomies, and the New Curriculum.

Resources for support -

a) Quotes from - Michelle McCall’s 21st Literacy Project

b) From Draft Curriculum -  Curricular Competencies  “Using oral, written, visual, and digital text students are expected individually and collaboratively to be able to create and communicate.”

4. Connect Bloom's Taxonomy to iPad apps

Resources for support -

a) Allan Carrington's Pedagogy Wheel,

b) "I purpose before iPads" by M. Glesson

5. Provide websites, YouTube videos and parts of the Draft Profile for Digitally Literate Students, that teachers may use to help them begin integrating the iPads into their pedagogy.

Toontastic at Bel-Aire School
Transforming the Classroom with IPads."

Kathy Schrock
The Ultimate Guide to using iPads in the classroom
BC Digital Literacy Standards

Example from Draft Profile for Digitally Literate Students

Grades 3–5 (Ages 8–11)
The following experiences with technology and digital resources are examples of learning activities in which students might engage during Grades 3–5 (ages 8–11):

Produce a media-rich digital story about a significant local event based on first-person interviews. (C, T, RI, CI)
Use digital-imaging technology to modify or create works of art for use in a digital presentation. (C, T, CC, CI, TOC)
Recognize bias in digital resources while researching an environmental issue with guidance from the teacher. (C, T, RI, CPD)
Select and apply digital tools to collect, organize, and analyze data to evaluate theories or test hypotheses. (T, RI, CPD, TOC)
Identify and investigate a global issue and generate possible solutions using digital tools and resources. (C, T, RI, CPD)
Conduct science experiments using digital instruments and measurement devices. (T, CPD, TOC)
Conceptualize, guide, and manage individual or group learning projects using digital planning tools with teacher support. (T, CPD, TOC)
Practice injury prevention by applying a variety of ergonomic strategies when using technology. (PS, DC, TOC)
Debate the effect of existing and emerging technologies on individuals, society, and the global community. (T, PS, RI, CPD, DC, TOC)
Apply previous knowledge of digital technology operations to analyze and solve current hardware and software problems. (T, CPD, TOC)
The letters in parentheses after each item identify the cross-curricular characteristics (C, T, PS) and the digital literacy characteristics (CC, RI, CPD, CI, DC, TOC) most closely linked to the activity described. Each activity may relate to one competency or to multiple characteristics.

   I plan on including smart notebook activities interspersed between the five topics. I am also considering putting the presentation onto the school iPads, so that all the teachers can participate in the activities while getting used to the using the iPad if they are unfamiliar with the technology.  I realize that not all of the presentation will appear on the iPad smart notebook app, but I will be using the full version on the smart board. I am will also be including a handbook of sorts with policies and procedures for use of the iPad cart at Hatzic.

Works Cited

DeLoatch, Pamela. "The Ultimate Guide to Using IPads in the Classroom." The Ultimate Guide to                                Using IPads in the Classroom. Edudemic, 5 Aug. 2015. Web. 13 Nov. 2015.

"Digital Literacy Standards." DRAFT Digital Literacy Standards. B.C. Ministry of Education, n.d.
Web. 13 Nov. 2015.

 Gleeson, M. "Ipurpose before IPad." Weblog post. N.p., Apr.  
                                                                2013. Web.

Harold, Benjamin. "Why Ed Tech Is Not Transforming How Teachers Teach." Education    
          Week. Editorial Projects in Education, 15 June 2015. Web. 24 Oct. 2015.

"IPads in the Classroom - Kathy Schrock's Guide to Everything."  N.p., n.d. Web. 04  
                                                          Oct. 2015

Kellogg, Kristi. "Transforming the Classroom with IPads." YouTube. JudsonISDTV, 12
  Dec. 2012. Web. 13 Nov. 2015.

McCall, Michelle. "Bloom's Taxonomy." 21st Century Literacy Project. N.p., n.d. Web. 
                                                         12 Nov. 2015.

"The NCTE Definition of 21st Century Literacies." National Council of Teachers of English.  Http://, Feb. 2013. Web. 12 Nov. 2015.

"Toontastic at Bel-Aire School." YouTube. Isabel Chang, n.d. Web. 04 Oct.

Unesco ICT Competency Framework for Teachers. Paris: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 2011. Print 

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Reflections on Phase Two

Reflections on Professional Development

Teachers discussing data during a Professional Learning Community meeting. Photo credit: Lindsay Osika

     After the exploration of the phase two subjects, the two directions I would like to continue to explore are my own Professional Development and the Professional Development of the teachers I am supporting. Starting my own PLN has really opened my eyes to a way of learning beyond scholarly articles that can only be accessed by subscription and can at times be too theoretical in nature. I think my colleagues might change their negative views of Pro D if they realize so much of their learning can be done with online resources like Twitter, YouTube and Pinterest. Most of my colleagues use these resources, but I don't think many use them for Pro D.  I feel PLNs and PLCs will be the best way to continue my own and my colleagues Pro D. By developing my own PLN and participating in our schools newly formed PLCs, I will be better able to support my colleagues learning of PLNs, 21st Century Literacies, T/Ls role and the new curriculum.

The following videos and blogs from my group members will be useful for myself and my colleagues.

1. Symbaloo - from Heather Brooks and Rose Stuart 

I have found this to be an extremely valuable tool to help keep me organized for this course. I am also making webmixes for different curricular topics which will help me to better support classroom teachers.


2. Digital literacy YouTube - from Heather Brooks

This video helps me to have a better understanding of digital citizenship.


3. PLN YouTube video - from Alexis Tsougrianis

A good introduction for teachers who are new to PLNs.


4. Professional Learning Animation AITSL YouTube video - from Jen  Lane

This video reminds us that great teachers and leaders come from great learners. It is important to support all the learners in your school even the teachers.

5. 10 things classroom teachers need to know about modern school librarians

A great blog to help inform teachers of the T/Ls role in today’s school. Hopefully it will, in turn, lead to more collaboration.

     The one resonating topic from phase two that has been reinforced for me is the importance of the role of the Teacher Librarian as a Curriculum Leader. All too often, I have put the other roles of a T/L, resource selection and management, preparing prep lessons (not our role) and policies and procedures, ahead of the role of Curriculum Leader. I have realized through looking closely at professional development, my own and supporting others, that this is a role that I must improve on.  Also, my experiences in working towards the new curriculum with colleagues this year has shown me how much my staff is in need of support with the new curriculum, 21st Century Learning as well as with technology.