Sunday, 22 November 2015

Audience and Platform for Final Vision

     My vision project will be for my colleagues.  We have a great PAC that have bought smart boards, iPads and document cameras, but our staff either doesn't use them or doesn't use the tech to it full potential.   This is why I have chosen the staff as my audience. My colleagues all have different opinions about the use of technology in school. Some are very resistant


while others have a willingness to learn if provided with proper support. They also have a variety of technology skill levels. Unfortunately, some of my colleagues tech skills are almost nonexistent. Others have bits and pieces like myself. My colleagues and I really need to focus some of our Pro D time on becoming familiar with the schools technology in order to integrate its use into our pedagogy.

     Hopefully, if the resistant teachers can be persuaded that the integration of technology is no longer an option and all the teachers can be comfortable using the technology we will be better able support our students use of technology to enable their learning. Our students learning is the ultimate goal.

     Please don't misunderstand the bluntness of my description of my colleagues. They are very hardworking, dedicated professionals. I am lucky to work with them and have great respect for each one of them.

     The platform for my project will be a smart notebook lesson. I am eager to become more familiar with the technology in my school so I may be encouraging and supportive of the staffs use of our  technology. I have had the smart notebook and smart board in the library for a few years, but this project has helped me to discover things I didn't know. I didn't realize that I could add audio to objects. How did I miss this? I also learned that I could embed a browser directly onto a slide, so you don't need to leave the application to view a web page or YouTube video. I will still provide links below the browser because it doesn't seem to work all the time. Another reason for the smart board lesson is that it will allow the presentation to be a little more interactive. Teachers can check their understanding of the content by participating in the activities the notebook can provide.


     Hopefully, I will get the lesson on the schools iPads as well since this is the device my vision project is promoting. I know my colleagues need practical experience in addition to theory.  I hope the notebook lesson provides information my colleagues can use while they transform their pedagogy for use with the new curriculum, while at the same time provide them with some  entertainment at the end of a long day.

    A ray of hope! My staff just attended a pro d event on the new curriculum. We were asked to bring a laptop, or an iPad . Many of the teachers don't have either, so I brought some of the schools new iPads. One of the teachers really liked the iPad and the next morning wanted to take them into her room to introduce Toontastic app. Luckily, I was not teaching that day and was able to go in and help. Really, all I did was observe. The teacher wasn't familiar with the app but it didn't seem to matter. She had the kids work in pairs to discover the app. It was fabulous. All the kids were engaged, working together and teaching each other. She will be using the iPads again and will begin to set some criteria for the students work. The teacher approached this lesson from the top of Bloom's and it worked great. This isn't the way I would have normally taught the first lesson, but I'm glad she did because I can now see that we don't always need to begin with Remembering. Both the teacher and I are so excited for the future.

Works Cited

Riddle-Mills, Amber. "Smart boards and Education." YouTube. 3 Dec. 2008. Web. 17 Nov. 2015.


  1. Excellent post that shows how small steps can begin to build momentum. Perhaps your colleague can share their experiences in using the ipads with their students and not being an expert, but a learner just like them and how well things turned out? A good overview of the key aspects of your vision and the audience and how all of this work will assist them in feeling more confident and supported in explorations with technology. A good blog post all about your progress so far!

  2. I would be happy to be a volunteer test-audience if you need one. I have never had access to a Smartboard before, but have always wanted to see them in action.

  3. I agree with Jen, sounds like a great experience for your staff and I'd love to participate. Maybe we could do it with the TLs in the district too. I don't have a Smart Board in my library and even your short introduction video taught me many things. I remember my first attempt at using one, I kept picking up the wrong markers (Good thing the students were watching and correcting me) and I it was fascinated on how your notes on the board could be saved on your computer and vise versa. A truly wonderful tool.

  4. I think it's great that you've chosen to focus on your staff as the audience for your project. I totally get what you're saying, about teachers being resistant to learning new things, but you clearly respect all the hard work they do every day. I think they'll likely be inspired by your enthusiasm, just like the teacher who started using the iPad app. Your final vision project seems like a perfect demonstration of how TLs can support and inspire their staff to start learning new things!
