Saturday, 7 November 2015

Reflections on Phase Two

Reflections on Professional Development

Teachers discussing data during a Professional Learning Community meeting. Photo credit: Lindsay Osika

     After the exploration of the phase two subjects, the two directions I would like to continue to explore are my own Professional Development and the Professional Development of the teachers I am supporting. Starting my own PLN has really opened my eyes to a way of learning beyond scholarly articles that can only be accessed by subscription and can at times be too theoretical in nature. I think my colleagues might change their negative views of Pro D if they realize so much of their learning can be done with online resources like Twitter, YouTube and Pinterest. Most of my colleagues use these resources, but I don't think many use them for Pro D.  I feel PLNs and PLCs will be the best way to continue my own and my colleagues Pro D. By developing my own PLN and participating in our schools newly formed PLCs, I will be better able to support my colleagues learning of PLNs, 21st Century Literacies, T/Ls role and the new curriculum.

The following videos and blogs from my group members will be useful for myself and my colleagues.

1. Symbaloo - from Heather Brooks and Rose Stuart 

I have found this to be an extremely valuable tool to help keep me organized for this course. I am also making webmixes for different curricular topics which will help me to better support classroom teachers.


2. Digital literacy YouTube - from Heather Brooks

This video helps me to have a better understanding of digital citizenship.


3. PLN YouTube video - from Alexis Tsougrianis

A good introduction for teachers who are new to PLNs.


4. Professional Learning Animation AITSL YouTube video - from Jen  Lane

This video reminds us that great teachers and leaders come from great learners. It is important to support all the learners in your school even the teachers.

5. 10 things classroom teachers need to know about modern school librarians

A great blog to help inform teachers of the T/Ls role in today’s school. Hopefully it will, in turn, lead to more collaboration.

     The one resonating topic from phase two that has been reinforced for me is the importance of the role of the Teacher Librarian as a Curriculum Leader. All too often, I have put the other roles of a T/L, resource selection and management, preparing prep lessons (not our role) and policies and procedures, ahead of the role of Curriculum Leader. I have realized through looking closely at professional development, my own and supporting others, that this is a role that I must improve on.  Also, my experiences in working towards the new curriculum with colleagues this year has shown me how much my staff is in need of support with the new curriculum, 21st Century Learning as well as with technology.


  1. A good introduction to several useful resources, links and videos to introduce key concepts and ideas for evolution of the TL role. You've collected some very insightful videos and this will be helpful in explaining these concepts to others. Your PLN is starting to grow and evolve and will continue to bear fruit after this class is done! Good linking, tagging and embedding.

  2. Yes Symbaloo is addictive isn't it :) and what an interesting slide show, a lot of great points. Did you use the "Clip Slide" to grab that picture for "Become Visible"?
    I really connect with your comment of colleagues needing support with the new curriculum and am hoping that the TLs get a chance to get together on one of those days that the province is providing for addressing the changes. We need to be involved with our staff grade level discussions but we have our own sets of criteria that we need to look at and we are best supported in addressing these elements with other TLs. Lots of changes but a lot of things to be excited by. :)

    1. No, I didn't use clip slide for the image. I use my iPad for most of my work and that option wasn't available. Using the ipad works well most of the time, but it doesn't do everything. I have found clip slide available when I use the computer at school, but haven't quite got it figured out yet.

  3. Thanks for sharing some of your favourite new tools, you really highlighted the value of a PLN! It's really such a great way to find and share resources.
